Wallington, NJ


Nestled in the southern corner of Bergen County, New Jersey, is the tiny Borough of Wallington. The Passaic and Saddle Rivers meander along its northwestern boundaries, giving the town the curious shape of a heart. Although only one-square mile, Wallington's size belies its unique and rich, 100-year history. December 31, 1894, officially marks the beginning of Wallington.

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Wallington Demographics

Population: 11,500

Zip code: 07057

Median Family income: 57,630

Population Density: 11,500 people/sq mi

Median resident age: 40 years

Wallington Town Website: CLICK HERE

Wallington Listing Stats

Lowest price: $1,900

Highest price: $999,000

Average price: $270,719

Number of listings: 18